All Love Workshops with Michael Heemskerk
Michael Heemskerk has been teaching SEKHEM ALL LOVE classes globally since the year 2000.

Sekhem Workshop Michael Heemskerk

ALL LOVE Workshops and Retreats
with Michael Heemskerk &
Carolina Heemskerk Gonzalez Van Eechoud

We will be in FLorence, Italy in 2025 with our 3 day ALL LOVE SEKHEM class as a part of the retreat!
Teaching you the way to work with SEKHEM ALL LOVE energy!
For info on the retreat: info@elsabanero.com
Experience the true power of LOVE in our SEKHEM ALL LOVE workshop!
For me the ALL LOVE Sekhem workshop with Michael and Carolina has really been a great experience. the room was full of energy; I saw the white and blue light; saw stars as well. so much love in the air.....
I had some idea of what I could expect from the workshop but it had more impact on me than I expected.
I felt the energy coming from above and below en they both merged in my heart! It was very strong en touched me emotionally. I had the feeling of standing in a beam of light, like there was a sun above my head.
The connection with the group was very strong, as if we stood together in the sun.
The approach of All Love towards healing really appeals to me. With Reiki I learned, that through me I could give another person energy. All Love SEKHEM is a method that supports another in his "own" energy.
It stimulates to retrieve the healing and strength from your self, and for me it feels like a very respectful and loving healing-method.
The Netherlands xxxxxx, xx & xx 2024
Times: Sat & Sun 10:30-17:15
2 days, Coffee & Tea included.
info: sekhem.eu@proton.me