All Love Workshops with Michael Heemskerk
Michael Heemskerk has been teaching SEKHEM ALL LOVE classes globally since the year 2000.

Sekhem Workshop Michael Heemskerk

A rebirth experience, what does that even mean ?
I will describe my experience as deep, open, honest and vulnerable as I can, the only hard thing about it to me is my own perception onto putting it on paper and letting it be so visible for the world. Letting it be so visible feels very vulnerable because there is something inside of me fearing that no one would believe it anyway. One strong side telling me that it doesnt matter what people think but the other side is filled with a sensation of fear.
But here I am, sitting and writing .. and I feel this is gonna be another kind of story.
The funny thing about describing an experience is the question on HOW to even start. Where is it starting and what does a reader who is interested in the workshop need to get as close as possible to feel what I have felt and see what I have seen.
And furthermore, wouldn´t it spoil your experience, and bring expectations in?
Coming into a space of love and openness is nowadays something which we are not encountering on a daily base. There was an open loving space created for me to feel safe and free to be. Once diving into the mediation it all started, it all crumbled down literally my physical body could not hold itself so gentle I was guided to lie down. The music and voice of Michael shifted me out of this physical dimensional understanding and let me flow into another world. Describing this new other world, words for a sensation so deep and strong, so filled with pure innocent beauty, as if you look into the eyes of a child, and this is what I saw, the eyes of a child. Only love and oneness existed in this place. This is what i saw and felt to my deepest core. As I am recalling memories I am reliving the experience and keeping it alive inside of myself.
In front of my inner eye, a whole different love filled world, and I was full of love, towards all existence. This shiny bright light, barely I could keep my eyes open, looking into it, I SAW. I saw out of a cloud two extreme beautiful shiny blue eyes looking inside of mine. A mirror realizing this is me, my soul, the most wonderful and beautiful appearence I have ever seen. We were merging and melting into one, a dance with universal creation and Oneness a union of my being with the source of existence. Staying in this moment seemed infinite long but also short, my sense of time was gone completely, until i felt this moment of „going“. As if my soul is deciding what will happen in this life and what She wants to experience, all was clear, but my mind wasnt able to comprehend all this knowledge. All forgetting to what i apparently agreed upon. What happened after that was a sensation of a shift, it all became real, real in a sense of that I felt myself in my own physical body in my womb, being pregnant with myself – sounds weird hm ? That moment though I was not connected to my physical body in the actual moment of mediation in the room, i was connected to my physical body in the womb, the fetal body. Experiencing being in the womb consciously, floating in water completely free, loved and taken care of in a way I was not taken care of before. I felt safe, a beautiful safe space to be, still remembering strongly myself in the light and knowing that I decided to walk on this path. To visit earth and experience whatever is happening, taking all challenges, but hey I had no idea what that means, in that space I was and only felt Love and trusted completely, so i had no idea what I really got myself into . Then it happened, again an energetical shift, this time shifting me back into my physical body which was laying on the ground in the room, and I felt so much pain. The last thing which kind of seemed to happen simultaniously is that from the inside of my womb I felt a push from above „to go down“ and leave this place, and the only thing i saw when I „was looking down“ was Darkness. I felt the cold of the dark and was shivering on the inside, I was terrified and full of fear to go into the dark. There was no choice, I felt helpless, separated and i really didnt wanted to go there.
Changing into the perspective of my physical body there was pain, an incredible insane amount of pain, I felt like dying from the inside, abandoned, rejected and left totally alone. I also knew though that now there is no other choice then coming into this world, it was already decided, so I was breathing, and literally felt as if I am giving birth to a baby (says somebody who didn´t gave birth yet to a physical being), such an intense emotion of all. It was burning inside of myself, this inner fire to help, support and guide me through, I felt so many times this strong resistance of coming to earth within myself from the view of this inner baby / chilld, so there I was birthing, myself.
Expressing my gratitude again for providing space, support and the oppertunity for an experience which was far beyond my limitation before ever.
Love Sabine
To open up and connect with your heart and soul.
The first workshop I was attending and where I got to know Carolina and Michael was in Costa Rica. (I already know and feel this is gonna be a long review, so prepare and allow yourself to connect as deep as you can with the words and feeling I share with you) Start a journey and be ready for a life changing and incredible experience.
To describe an experience which is nearly impossible to describe, to find words for something so powerful, cleansing, opening and deep seems hard, but what I learned is experiencing now this as well. So I'm diving into and connecting to this .. this workshop truly is life changing.
The meditations are more intense than anything I ever experienced before. I never thought that negative emotions or thought patterns change if you dive deeper into it .. if you're trying to feel a feeling you have, feeling even stronger and not what I was used to to avoid it. Emotion .. energy in motion if you're trying to connect even stronger with this 'energy in motion' it seems like it's slowing down and calming itself. In this workshop i could experience that if it's seen and acknowledged, it loses it's power and the attached fear to direct you and your life. Michael knows and senses very well how to trigger you to feel and connect with your deepest hidden fears.
To connect with feelings which I really didn't wanted to at first because they were painful to me, and If I say painful, I'm trying to describe a sensation so intense, with so much power .. like ripping you apart, it felt like a part of me is dying if I recall it. I was used to ran and hide from it before. I created a wall around me to protect me from wounds and pain from a long time ago. I just wanted to function, live a so called 'boring normal life', let it pass by and die, but if your soul is screaming so loud and in pain, nothing really is normal so sure it's a blessing and gift to yourself to end up in a workshop like this. With the help of Michael and his gorgeous supporting wife Carolina I was safe.
This hurt inner child finally felt safe to open up, to feel and release. I was in a sacred safe space, something I didn't even knew could exist. I was held in a space of love, I saw images of my inner hurt child and could express, an expression which turned into shouting, screaming, tearing up, crying and releasing pain I was holding in for so long. I was holding for so long it became a part of me, so what is gonna happen if I let go ? What could I expect ? So there I was, in my pain hearing the voice of Michael, guiding me even deeper, asking me questions, pushing me gentle into it .. which feels like loosing the ground under your feet. Feeling more and more, waves are crushing in and it's dark - Back in time, back in memories, back in a sensation of loneliness helplessness and paralysed in fear.
The soft voice of Carolina like an angel knowing exactly how to support you in this moment, to hug and to give love to this pain, to see it because all it wants is to be seen, taken care of and you feel the pain is slowing down, acknowledged and is transforming.
Many times I literally could see with my inner eye the pain transforming, the healing, the bliss and gift of letting go. To sit with it, to create space for it, to watch and embrace, to talk to it and breathe with it. The both of them truly care from their heart and are holding such an incredible healing space.
The All Love Workshop is different from all, there is no schedule or guideline, each time is different and new .. what happens, happens if you are ready and allow yourself to fully let go you will experience magic and alchemy. I could go on a lot more and even more specific details to describe my experience according to what I saw but you know what's best - create your own experience and be open for an immense shift in your whole perspective.
Give yourself the gift, heal through love, connect with your spirit and maybe you'll see and feel your truest highest self arriving. Coming home - being whole and complete, full of pure joy, peace, happiness and love - your very existence. I'm deeply filled with gratitude.

-Even tho there is fear that I've come back and things will be the same. I know that is impossible. I definitely am changed. And I know there is still much to be worked done as well. That was only the beginning. I tell myself to trust my feelings. Even the ones that are hard. I will only be better for that. Thank you for your guidance.
Pura Vida, Princess.
The energy is still working in me. Being in Austria and running all day I get heavy waves of energy combined with a racing heart once I go to bed and try to rest.
We had a really wonderful All-Love class in The Netherlands with Michael Heemskerk. Very deep emotional healings, past life regressions, heart openings, emotional re-connections and just plain.....love, tenderness and light!
Thank you all, All love!
El taller All-Love con Michael Heemskerk en Holanda ha sido realmente maravilloso. Sanaciones emocionales muy profundas, regresiones a vidas pasadas, aperturas del corazón, reconexiones emocionales y simplemente ..... luz, ternura y amor en abundancia!
Gracias a todos/as, All-Love!
Thank you so much for the patience and support during the class, I really felt like coming home again!

Last night I listened to the all love Sekhem shenu meditation and this morning I’ve just finished listening to it now. It’s so beautiful.
The music is so magical. I just had to tell you as I finish that today I got the understanding why I am here and it’s overwhelming.
Thank you for being part of this new phase, and thank you again for helping clear the signs of the path to follow.
See you in Delft!
Another review from our Costa Rica Class Dec. 2016!
Michael's All Love workshop is the most powerful and moving meditation I have ever experienced.
His guided exercises allowed me to connect to myself in a way I didn't think was possible.
Those same meditation exercises have turned into tools that I carry into my daily routine now allowing me to be more accepting, loving, less stressed, and overall more aware and grounded.
Michael is a strong and compassionate leader who created a space for his participants to feel like they could genuinely open up and let go at a pace that worked for them. I look forward to staying connected with Michael and joining him on another workshop in the future.
Jamie Kalynuik, Torontoyogamamas.com.
My recent experience at the 'All Love' workshop in Costa Rica was one I will never forget. Michael and Carolina, created such a warm, safe & comfortable space. This environment allowed me to meditate unlike I have ever before. I was able to truly connect to myself, my spirit and a higher energy. Each day of the workshop brought personal clarity for & a revived energy. I feel very lucky to have had this incredible experience, to connect with myself & others and to have this gift I now carry with me into my daily life. Much love & gratitude for this 'All Love' experience
Buenas noches MIchael y Carolina,
Solo puedo daros las gracias por todo lo que he vivido, experimentado y sentido durante todo el fin de semana. Para mi ha supuesto una liberación tanto física como emocional, y me he quitado bastante peso de encima. Siento como la energía fluye de nuevo a través de mi con libertad. Todos los momentos han sido preciosos, pero en especial la danza del infinito ha sido increíble, la conexión que he sentido con el TODO, ese momento en el que se unían el universo, la tierra y el corazón y esa explosión de amor, paz y felicidad. Ademas la noche del domingo al lunes, soñé como iniciaba a mi padre en esta energía tan bonita. Lo sentí como si fuera real.
El amor y la energía que trasmitís dan una seguridad y confianza que permite que las cosas sucedan de manera natural y espontanea.
Os aseguro que este taller ha sido una de las cosas mas importantes que he realizado hasta ahora.
Un abrazo enorme y espero volver a veros

All-Love attended by Heather Wright
Michael Heemskerk and Carolina Victoria Gonzalez Van Eechoud in Costa Rica at the beautiful El Sabanero Eco lodge experience changed my life and opened my heart to All-Love.
It wasn’t until being at the Sekhem All-Love workshop with Michael Heemskerk and Carolina Victoria Gonzalez Van Eechoud in Costa Rica at the beautiful El Sabanero Eco lodge, which the incident in my past came up as an experience I needed to face and clear.
That’s the wisdom of the work being done, it leads everyone in the group through an opening of the heart and it’s the wisdom we carry inside us that tells us what and where the blocks are located. Carol is brilliant at being by a person’s side helping to explain and guide the process. And Michael is patient and solid in leading the group thru sometimes highly charged events without making it seem unmanageable. Some individuals may not have blocks and are able to connect more rapidly to source if open to the energy. As group leaders they provided such a safe, wise, inviting, experienced atmosphere for the group to develop and grow into supporting each individual.
Understanding the processing that may happen in an all love workshop is important. In order to fully embrace the vibration of light and love filling up your being and raising your vibration to match that universal wave connecting you to the source, we may need to release past traumas or negative emotion such as anger in order to allow the All-Love connection.
As many of us have experienced growing up and in adult hood, I knew that I carried experiences that were not resolved. Trauma can be large painful events such as car accidents, rape, witnessing murder to name only a few. Trauma can also be small and lasting. Small traumas such as being called hurtful names by a parent, put in life threatening situations, and abuse/neglect. Our magnificent brains are always recording and as young children we are absorbing much more in order to learn to survive and fit into our world, to learn the language, to learn love so that our protectors will take care of us, and to eventually learn to survive on our own. Getting out of my head and into my heart was challenging but with Michael and Carolina and the group exercises slowly I was able to drop down into emotion. Knowing I was being shown something powerful and loving, something I could feel and a peace that was just beyond reach until now.
What is beyond survival? It is important to meet our multiple levels of survival as the researcher Maslow described in his Hierarchy of Needs Theory. First we meet the lowest level of physical needs; to eat and drink and stay warm. Be safe. That to me means a home. Then the next level is the psychological needs of belongingness and loving relationships. Higher needs can only truly be met once the levels of the pyramid are satiated. The fourth level, near the top is esteem needs, of prestige and feeling accomplished. Finally the top of the pyramid is the Self-Fulfillment needs of achieving ones potential, including creative activities, also known as Self-Actualization. Any life experiences will either take us closer to our highest potential or keep us in survival mode. Financial, relational, and feelings of accomplishment or dissatisfaction can keep us blocked in these lower levels trying to resolve issues repeatedly. It might seem like the same relationship keeps happening over and over again, just the person is different. Or the finances just never seem to get to a comfortable level in the savings account. Or the career just seems to be a paycheck. Did you ever wonder what was holding you back?
The end of day two, I felt the sadness weighing heavy on my heart. I wanted to shut out everyone and stop the feelings. That night I had to decide that I could not live as the same sad, disconnected, lonely little girl. I wanted to open to the love of the cosmic forces surrounding and connecting us.
I had to get mad and cry and kick and hit a little to release the anger. I remember a gut wrenching scream that was like giving birth to my pain and fear and pushing it out of me where it no longer was necessary. During the All Love Infinity Dance exercise, on day three, I was finally able to fully process and allow the loving light to connect and it was what I have been looking for and missing all these years of searching for a deeper spiritual connection. I felt my chakra system spin and flow. Michael and Carolina along with several other group members quickly came to support me in my trance like state. I felt energy rushing thru my body pushing out the old ways of being and expanding my heart and mind to allow for a new conscious way of being. I felt the healing energy burning in my hands like huge fire balls. Final I came back to reality with joy and laughter, loving the feeling of being high on a powerful drug. My own natural endorphins reminded me of ecstasy.
Now that I’m back home I have been remembering the journey and asking myself “now what do I do with this connection to keep it going?” There is a sense of clarity that makes life easier. I had to end a relationship full of negativity, I needed to long ago. I had to face some issues and set some goals. It’s still working; my life is rearranging to allow more of the higher level functioning in as its being reflected in work, relationships and love. I’m excited to see what will happen next. I have much gratitude toward Michael and Carolina for holding the space for such an important group to meet and grow in love and light. Find an All-Love workshop and go!

With the All love workshop, I have experienced and learned to open up for my feelings and my heart.
I have felt the powerful energy from the universe – the magic feeling in the body and in the mind.
Michael and Carol have a lot of experience working with people, and I felt I was I good hands with them.
I can highly recommend all love workshop to everybody.
Louise from Denmark
My name is Frans Boers and I've been to the ALL LOVE Workshop with Michael and Carolina in The Netherlands.
On Saterday an old frustration of me hurting my head after I had fallen hard in my youth came out. The frustration was situated in my neck. After the processing I could move more freely tham before and I also could extendmy head further than before.
On Sunday I found out and realised that I really must spend more time with my familie and that I have to work less. I am an therapeut (IMT) and I ussually work from 7 in the morning to 6 in the evening with people. I found it hard to say no to people. I know from my work that not being able to say No is situated in the neck as a block.
So on saunday it was more than welcome that my neck was better in place. I couldn't heal it in one day.
I am really happy to have made the decision to to work less because I can say No now.
From now on It's family time!
I will experience what will happen from now on. From now on every day at 4 'o clock there is a big cross in my agenda with no appointment.
It feels as a liberation
Thank you, Michael en Carolina
All Love Sekhem
It is not easy to find the words to describe my experience with Michael and Carolina in Delft.
Very early on in my childhood I became aware of a loneliness that was part of me, a constant companion always present. Sometimes I was highly aware of it and sometimes completely unaware for years. Like an invisible friend who shows up every so often to remind you that there is something missing but not quite understanding what is missing.
I would highly recommend stopping and taking a breath when All Love Sekhem crosses your path. There is a reason, a greater purpose behind this, a planned agreement on a spiritual level.
My experience of walking into the workshop in Delft was one of pure privilege. To be surrounded by such kind-hearted, like minded, non-judgement supportive beautiful people was truly a gift from God.
It is only on reflection that I realise that for those two days the loneliness disappeared not to be seen. You just need to get there, no effort will be needed, the energy takes over. Paths which are meant to cross, and connections made and only through this you realise that you are not on your own and the missing part all along was the energy.
Being from Ireland I attended a few online workshops with Patrick and Sirley. This laid the foundations for my trip to Delft and upon arriving no effort was needed. I just had to get there.
As hard as it is to find the words to describe my experience in Delft, it feels nearly impossible to describe Michael and Carolina.
They are truly givers to humanity, so generous in every way.
I highly recommend attending a workshop with Michael and Carolina or having an online appointment with them on Zoom.
You won’t regret it.